
We welcome both new and returning members. To join or to renew a membership, please send the following information along with a cheque for $30 (add $15 to include a subscription to Atlantic Forestry Review) to:

Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners Association
Box 823, Truro, NS B2N 5G6

Membership is for one calendar year. Please send the following information with your cheque:
  • New or returning member?
  • For what calendar year do you wish to be a member?
  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone number(s)
  • Email address if any
  • Fax number if any
  • Are you a woodlot owner? If yes, in what county is your woodlot located?
  • Which of the following categories apply to you? Owner/operator? Contractor? Sawmiller? Group venture? Associate (associate membership is for individuals who are neither woodlot owners nor operators but support the vision and mission of NSWOOA)? Affiliate (affiliate membership is for organizations that support the vision and mission of NSWOOA)? Other?
  • May we contact you via email, on occasion, regarding events and association notices?

Your membership dues go toward lobbying, communication, and educational functions of the organization.