NSWOOA Update, May 2007

This update can be emailed to NSWOOA members who request it.

Hello, woodlot owners,

This is a busy time for the directors of the NSWOOA, but we are trying a new project,
to communicate with members, through this update for those on line.

New address. For those who would like to communicate with the Directors, to communicate ideas and concerns, to give input or ask questions, our email address is now nswooa@gmail.com

Annual General Meeting April 14. It was good to see many of you at the annual meeting. This year we were focusing on practical advice, especially for those beginning to manage their woodlots, but for experienced folk too. We will miss the contributions of Will Martin and Adam Campbell from the Board, but welcome Austin Parsons aboard. Minga O’Brien updated us on our involvement with Ecology Action Center’s Standing Tall Campaign which we joined at last year’s annual meeting. Presentations were made on management plans, sustainable forest funds, how Group Savoie distributes silviculture funds, progress on the restoration handbook being prepared by the North Mountain Old Forest Society, and much more.

Help wanted. The Board is searching for a woodlot owner who can offer help by taking over management of our website, nswooa.ca. The site is visited by news organizations and prospective members, as well as members looking for news and events. Frequent updates of information, changing pictures, adding pages and features would be involved. A vibrant web site is Important to our growth and influence. If you can help or know someone who can, respond to the above address.

Opportunity knocks. The Board is offering a $1000 incentive to any member (or woodlot owner willing to become a member) to host our annual woodlot tour and demonstration day. You can nominate yourself or a friend. The successful woodlot may have some interesting work done, or it may be the right woodlot because nothing has been done, and we can discuss how to get started. Time is an important factor here; act today.

We are also contemplating workshop style events at the field day. Participants might for example spend a whole morning pruning trees, or learning to select which trees to harvest. Let us know your preferences.

Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle. The only resolution from the membership at the annual meeting directed the Board to represent the rights and welfare of woodlot owners under the new regulations for containment of the BSLB. Of particular concern to the Board is the inflammatory language used to describe the beetle and its possible impact. The fear of utter devastation could possibly lead landowners to rashly agreeing to have their woodlots stripped. The more advisable course is to assess the real damage and potential risks on your woodlots, and to make plans to deal with these areas. If you are unskilled at management planning yourself, getting the advice of a forester or management planner who uses multiple techniques to manage the forest and to keep the forest structure as intact as possible is advised.

Seeking Input. Have you heard talk about biomass harvesting? Cogeneration? The NSWOOA is preparing to represent woodlot owners on these and other issues, and it is helpful to have your input. Is it a good idea? Can the allowable cut for NS support another market? What restrictions should reasonably be put on this market? The NSWOOA expects to be making presentations to the forest strategy hearings when they commence, so give us your thoughts on this and other issues that need to be dealt with.

Pay the Piper. Membership fees are the only source of income for our Association. By oversight, the membership renewal form was omitted from the pre Annual meeting mail out. If you also had an oversight and forgot to renew your 2007 membership, please send it in to our mail box:
P.O. Box 823
Truro, N.S. B2N 5G6