OLD BARNS – Natural Resources Minister John MacDonell will be the guest speaker at the 41st annual general meeting of the Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators’ Association.
The event will be held Saturday, April 10, at the United Church hall in Old Barns, Colchester County.
“John MacDonell has been a friend of NSWOOA for quite a while,” says Austin Parsons, president of the woodlot owners’ group.
“I believe he understands our association’s interests in forest certification, uneven age management, Acadian Forest restoration, biomass and our position on whole tree harvesting,” said Mr. Parsons.
Other topics for the day include updates on the Otter Ponds Demonstration Forest project, biomass, intergenerational transfer and NSWOOA business.
Registration begins at 8 a.m. Mr. MacDonell is scheduled to speak around 9.
Activities will conclude at 3:30 p.m.
Cost for the event, which includes lunch, is $10 for NSWOOA members and $20 for guests.
The church hall is about seven kilometres south of Truro on Route 236.
For further information, please contact Austin Parsons at austin.parsons@dal.ca.