NSWOOA Update 39
December 13, 2010
nswooa@gmail.com902 633 2108
In This Issue:
- Christmas Greetings
- The New Forestry Policy
- After the Announcement
- Membership Renewals
- Build Your Own Yurt Workshop.
- Redtail News
- How to Contact Us
Christmas Greetings
The Board of Directors of the NSWOOA extends to you wishes for a blessed and peaceful holiday season. May you spend the holidays with friends and loved ones, and may everyone keep safe and well.
Government Gives Direction on the Future of Forestry
Department of Natural Resources
December 1, 2010 11:34 AM
Changes to the way Nova Scotia's forests are managed will better protect them, secure good jobs and ensure that the province's forest industry remains competitive.
The changes were announced today, Dec. 1, as six strategic directions that will be the basis for future forestry policy.
"We are charting a new course that enables Nova Scotians to make a good living from our natural resources while ensuring future generations can enjoy similar benefits," said Natural Resources Minister John MacDonell. "These strategic directions will bring positive changes to our forests and guide the forest industry to managing them sustainably."
The Mi'kmaq and key stakeholders will be invited to provide input before the policies are finalized. Rules and guidelines to support these directions will become part of the next steps in the strategy process.
"Now that we've explained what we're going to do, we will be meeting with the Mi'kmaq, small woodlot owner representatives, the large mills and non-government environmental organizations for input on how we're going to achieve the strategic directions," said Mr. MacDonell. "We also have an agreed to consultation process with the Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia and we will be using that to consult with them."
Rex Veinot, a small private woodlot owner in Maplewood, Lunenburg Co. and two-time winner of the Woodlot Owner of the Year award, welcomed the new strategic directions.
"Small woodlot owners who want to practice sustainable forest management will welcome these changes," said Mr. Veinot. "Many small woodlot colleagues practice uneven-aged management, while recognizing that clear-cutting is necessary in some stands, but not at the rate that has occurred in the past."
The strategic policy directions are:
-- Reduce the proportion of wood harvested by clear cutting to no more than 50 per cent of all forest harvests over a five-year period. Commercial harvests will be registered with the Department of Natural Resources and progress will be reported annually.
-- Prohibit removing whole trees from the forest site to maintain woody debris, which is important for soil and biodiversity management and is consistent with the province's Renewable Electricity Plan. Christmas tree harvesting will be exempt.
-- Public funds will not go toward herbicide spraying for forestry.
-- Private land owners will not need management plans to harvest their woodlots for non-commercial energy use.
-- Analyze options for a provincewide annual allowable cut to limit total harvested amounts.
-- Incorporate forest biomass harvest requirements in the Code of Forest Practice and, as stated in the Renewable Electricity Plan, revise regulations to ensure commercial users of biomass for energy or fuel production are registered buyers and subject to the same rules as the forest industry.
The Department of Natural Resources is in the final phase of writing the natural resources strategy. The forest policy framework and more information is available at gov.ns.ca/natr .
After the Announcement, the Next Step.
By Tony Phillips
December 6. At the invitation of Minister John MacDonell, representatives of woodlot owner groups met with members of the DNR at Founders' Square, Halifax to discuss the new natural resources policy and its implementation. We attended the second of two meeting, and waited in the hall for until the first meeting ended and representatives of the Ecology Action Centre, Sierra Club, the Margaree Environmental Association and others left. (Apparently the DNR consultation involves keeping the different interest groups in separate "silos" - a standard procedure.) Our meeting involved representatives of The Forest Fibre Producers of Nova Scotia, The Federation Of Nova Scotia Woodland Owners, the Nova Scotia Farmers Federation of Agriculture, the NSWOOA and staff of the DNR. The minister was unable to attend and the meeting was chaired by deputy minister Brian Gilbert. He stated that the DNR foresaw the need to work with and through third party groups (like us) to achieve the goals of the new policy since the DNR no longer provided extension services. Mr. Gilbert said the new policies will not be implemented all at once; a staff member foresaw a 2-5 year roll out period for regulations concerning different aspects. However, Mr. Gilbert did say that limiting of clearcuts topped the priority list and action on that issue was anticipated in January. Speakers for some stakeholders advocated voluntary compliance, spoke of the need for definition of clearcut and worried the 50% clearcut target will turn into a quota and restrict people's approach to harvesting. Our delegation to this meeting included George Johnson, Wade Prest, Matt Miller, and Tony Phillips. Wade Prest spoke briefly, supporting the minister's plan and expressing the willingness of our organization to help facilitate the new direction through our constituency - the small woodlot owners of Nova Scotia.
Membership Drive 2011
Marc Chisholm, Membership Services Coordinator
All memberships purchased after November 1 will take effect as of January 1st of the next calendar year. Paid NSWOOA memberships in 2010 was 103. This is up slightly from recent years. Membership fees are our main source of revenue so we are hoping to increase our paid membership in 2011. Membership fees enable the NSWOOA to promote good forest practices and encourage the restoration of the Acadian Forest. Please help recruit new members- call a friend or neighbor!
The membership drive will begin in the new year. Happy Holidays.
Season's greetings!
Outreach Project Final Report
We here at the Uneven-Aged Management Outreach Project want to wish all the woodlot owners and contractors who have participated in our programs a happy holiday season and extend our thanks to all of you for your commitment to good stewardship of Nova Scotia’s forests.
As many of you know, this is the second time Picea Forestry Consultants has been privileged to deliver this educational program on behalf of uneven-aged management and the Category 7 Quality Improvement Silviculture Program, which provides funding for silviculture treatments associated with uneven-aged management. (For an explanation of uneven-aged management and the Category 7 program, please see our handout titled “Growing High Value Trees”, which is available online at http://www.asforestry.com/PDFs/cat7/Growinghighvaluetrees.pdf)
The Outreach Team has delivered workshops all over the province, visited more than a hundred of Nova Scotia woodlots and woodlot owners, and created a database of nearly 600 Nova Scotia woodlot owners who are interested in uneven-aged management. We have been able to further establish that there is great interest in this type of woodlot management and demand among woodlot owners for the associated silviculture treatments. Thanks to you, the province is, we hope, entering a new era in forest management.
We want to send special thanks to the Association for Sustainable Forestry (ASF) for administering this project, the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources (NSDNR) for providing funding, and the Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association (NSWOOA) for partnering with us to deliver the project. Special thanks also go to the woodlot owners and contractors who helped the team with the workshops offered this year:
Kevin Veinotte, woodlot owner who hosted our workshop in the West Northfield area, Lunenburg County, and Tristan Kelly, who helped with the horse and wagon rides.
Travis Parsons, contractor host of our workshop in near Mahone Bay, Lunenburg County. Paul Brison, NSWOOA board member and host of our woodlot owner workshop in Cheverie, Hants County.
Royce Ford, woodlot owner host of our workshop in Maitland Bridge, Annapolis County.
Wade Prest, NSWOOA board member and woodlot owner host of our workshop in Mooseland, Halifax County.
Brian Brown, woodlot owner host of our workshop near Springhill, Cumberland County.
Ken MacRury, NSWOOA board member and woodlot owner host of our workshop near Baddeck, Victoria County, and Ralph Stewart of Scott & Stewart Forestry, who added so much to the workshop by answering questions about the work Scott & Stewart has done on Ken’s woodlot.
Bill Angevine, woodlot owner host of our workshop in St. Andrews, Antigonish County, and NSDNR District Supervisor Glenn Terris for his contributions to this workshop.
Jim Hurlburt, woodlot owner host of our workshop in Carleton, Yarmouth County, and Eldon and Lucille White for their help in making arrangements for this workshop.
Greg Watson, woodlot owner host for both woodlot owner and contractor workshops in the Wentworth area, Colchester County, and David MacMillan, contractor who contributed much to the session by discussing the selection harvest work he did on this woodlot. Thanks also to NSDNR forest technician Norman Doucet for his contributions to this workshop.
Neal Livingston, woodlot owner host of our workshop in Strathlorne, Inverness County.
Steve and Debbie Bezanson, woodlot owner hosts of our workshop in Black Rock, Kings County, and Jorg Beyeler, director of the Forestry Division at the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, who attended this workshop and contributed his expertise.
John MacDonald, woodlot owner host of our workshop in Alma, Pictou County; Matt Miller, who did the management plan and crop tree release/crop tree pruning work on this woodlot; and Tom Miller, who helped us locate the site and also helped with arrangements for food and hall rental.
David Fraser of BA Fraser Lumber Ltd., contractor host of our workshop in Margaree Forks, Inverness County, and David Zilman, the woods worker who conducted the selection harvest and contributed excellent comments to the session.
The following individuals have also been especially helpful this year. We extend a special and sincere thanks to :ASF Coordinator David Sutherland.
Forest Products Association of Nova Scotia staff person Leslie Samson.
NSWOOA Board Member Tony Phillips.
NSDNR Extension Forester Simon Mutabazi.
NSDNR Private Land Forester Don Cameron.
Former ASF Coordinator Rebecca Aggas.
Finally, we wish to thank NSWOOA board member Paul Brison and all of the other individuals and organizations that helped us publicize our workshops, the caterers who provided delicious snacks and lunches for the woodlot owner workshops, and the hard-working volunteers who maintain the community halls where we held many of our workshops.Sincerely,
Patricia Amero and Flora Johnson
For the Uneven-Aged Management Outreach Project
Workshop Announced
Yurt Building Workshops 2011
Join Little Foot Yurts; makers of traditional coppice wood yurts and learn how to build your own yurt – a low impact, affordable, shelter originating from Central Asia.
When: January 21-23 AND January 28-30 Where: 1459 White Rock Rd, Wolfville, Nova Scotia
Cost: $290 plus tax, Includes workshop fee, yurt camping, gourmet local & organic vegetarian food, and a yurt zine.
Accommodation: Sleep, eat, learn and share with others in cozy felted yurts equipped with wood stoves.
Registration: Please register online at http://www.lfy.ca/yurt_building_workshop/index.html Full agenda is posted on our website.
Deposit: A non-refundable deposit of $150 is required to reserve your spot. Deposit deadline is December 15th.
This two and a half day workshop will provide a thorough introduction to yurts, and the basics of yurt construction including: coppice as a timber crop, Acadian forest species, making a greenwood working station, using a drawknife, froe and other hand tools, planning and designing your walls, roof, and wheel, and erecting a yurt. Leave with the practical skills and resources to start building your own yurt. Open to all skill levels. Families welcome. (Children 6 and under are free, children between 7-13 are half price, and 14 and up are normal price)
For more information please contact Selene Cole at 902 670-4556 selene@lfy.ca or visit www.lfy.ca
Selene, Alex & Yara Cole
Little Foot Yurts
1459 White Rock Rd, RR#1
Wolfville, NS, B4P 2R1
902 670-4556
info@lfy.ca, www.lfy.ca
Redtail News
Today Friends of Redtail Society has officially become guardian—and student—of 313 acres of forestland, waterway and life giving habitat. This is a momentous day in a journey that began one August day in 2006. This is a day of reflecting, a day worthy of marking and celebrating.
There are so many to thank. Every donation, every action, every fundraiser has brought us here. This is a shared success. Please visit the donor page of our website to see all who have played a part, check for your name and please let us know if we’ve missed anyone.
We would like to invite you to join us for Grenzgang*, an event we hosted last year and will no doubt become an annual tradition. It will be our first opportunity to gather in celebration on the land. Grenzgang or “Border Walk” will take place on Thursday, December 30. We will gather at the brook on MacBeth Road in time for a 2pm departure. We will not walk the entire perimeter, but will traverse a significant portion with the walk likely to last approximately two hours. Cider & hot chocolate will be served afterwards.
Please let us know if you’re able to attend. Be sure to dress for the weather and bring refreshments for the walk. Snowshoes/skis may be needed, depending on the conditions.
We hope you’ll be able to join us.
Please accept our best wishes for the holiday season,
The Board of Friends of Redtail Society (Bernadette, Volker, Geoff, Michelle, Nancy, Billy & Steve)
* Grenzgang is a German tradition in which all of the villagers gather together at the end of the year and walk the borders of their community. It was a way of symbolically bringing the year's business to a close and checking the community's boundary markers. The villagers would together ensure their border was secure and identify anything in need of repair. It is a tradition that continues to this day and although it is much more of a party now, it continues to provide an important connection to place.
A similar tradition in England was called "Beating the Bounds" on Rogation Day. Historically it took the population and electorate of the Parish around its borders stopping at the 'mere stones' to take refreshment and to beat the younger members of the flock so that they would remember where the stone was in case they were needed to make oral testimony as to the existence and placement of the markers
Lines of CommunicationMembers are encouraged to contact the Board of Directors, the Executive and other members through our email address (nswooa@gmail.com) or by phone (902-633-2108). Please feel free to use these methods to keep us informed of what is going on in your woodlot or in your community or area. We try to keep you informed through these updates, newsletters and mail outs, our column in Atlantic Forestry Review, the Annual General Meeting, and the website: http://www.nswooa.ca