Season Greetings:
There has been lots to talk about in the forest sector in NS this past year. From strategy releases to mill closures, most Nova Scotians had a difficult time understanding what is taking place within the industry and are still questioning our government's commitment in standing behind the strategic direction set out in the Crossland and Bancroft Report.
The NSWOOA firmly stands behind the restoration and of the Acadian Forest. We will continue to promote and encourage private landowners to better understand their forest, so that it may provide them with economical, social and environmental returns.
In the year ahead the NSWOOA will be taking on new projects, moving forward with work plans at Otter Ponds and continuing to promote the a diverse, ecologically based forest sector in NS. We have a strong membership base but the NSWOOA needs your help, support and input.
Over the holidays, I encourage all our members to take a walk in their woods, with family or friends and enjoy the beauty of nature. Talk about the forest and let us know where you stand and how we can help.
Happy Holidays and all the Best in 2012!
Marc Chisholm,
Pressident, NSWOOA