Learn more about the changing goals and needs of forest
landowners, the potential for small-scale biomass projects to serve as a
new market for low-grade wood, and looming changes to the provincial
silviculture programme at the 2013 annual general meeting of the Nova Scotia
Woodlot Owners and Operators Association.
Also planned: A look at forestry regulations and landowner
outreach programmes in other provinces; and the presentation of the Friend of
the Acadian Forest award.
The meeting will be held 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Saturday, April 13,
at the Masonic Lodge, 30 Station Road, Great Village. The lodge is about 30
kilometers northwest of Truro.
The public is welcome to attend. The cost is $15 for NSWOOA
members and $20 for guests. Lunch is included.
Reservations are not required, but would be appreciated. Contact
Andy Kekacs, programme director, at 902-817-4763 or andy.nswooa@gmail.com for more
Founded in 1969, NSWOOA is the oldest independent organization of
small forest landowners in the province. A non-profit society, its mission is
to support woodlot owners in sustainable forestry through education,
demonstration, marketing, and cooperation.
NSWOOA believes that forest practices should mimic natural
processes in the native Acadian Forest. Management that favors the growth of
high-quality trees of the longest-lived, most valuable species offers the best
opportunity to realize timber value while restoring forest conditions to a more
natural (and desirable) state. The association believes that compromising
ecological integrity for short-term considerations will inevitably have a
negative impact on forest use by future generations.
General Meeting
Nova Scotia Woodlot
Owners and Operators Association
Saturday, 13 April 2013 -- Great Village,
8:15-8:45 Registration,
8:45-9:15 Call
to Order, Welcome and President's Report -- Marc Chisholm
9:15-10:00 Small-scale
Biomass: Potential New Market for Pulpwood-Grade Wood?
-- Dale Prest
-- Dale Prest
10:00-10:15 Presentation
of Friend of the Acadian Forest Award
10:15-10:45 Break
-- Refreshments provided
10:45-11:30 Changing
Landowner Goals and Needs: Results of the 2012 Woodlot Site Visit
-- Stephen Cole
11:30-12:00 New
Ways to Fund Silviculture and Landowner Outreach -- Matt Miller
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:45 A
Look at Forest Regulations and Landowner Services in Other Places:
for NSWOOA? -- Minga O'Brien and Christie Verstraten
1:45-2:30 Strategic
Planning Review and Member Feedback -- Hendricus van Wilgenburg
2:30-3:30 Business
Meeting: Minutes of 2012 AGM; Financial Report; Otter Ponds Division
Report; Nomination and Election of
Directors; Resolutions from the Floor
3:30 Adjournment
The meeting will be at the Masonic Lodge, 30 Station Road, Great
Village. The cost (which includes lunch) is $15 for members and $20 for
guests. Reservations are not required, but they would be appreciated.
Contact Andy Kekacs at 902-817-4763 or andy.nswooa@gmail.com.
We have an interesting and informative programme planned, and hope
to see you in Great Village!
Marc Chisholm, President
for the Directors of NSWOOA