This blog serves as an archive for past news and information from the Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association. We are the oldest group of woodlot owners in the province, and the leading advocates for environmentally centered, socially responsible, economically balanced forestry. The association has grown substantially in recent years, and our new website can be viewed at It's the best place to learn more about sustainable management of the Acadian Forests of Nova Scotia.
News Bulletin: More Money for Silviculture
On Oct. 12, the Department of Natural Resources announced that the province will invest millions of dollars in woodlot silviculture and other forest-related initiatives. As part of the new program, the province will be absorbing the full cost of private woodlot silviculture under the Forest Sustainability Regulations. This means an additional $6 million per year for 2007-08 and 2008-09. The NSWOOA believes that some of this new funding should be directed towards a much-expanded program to promote, train, and educate woodlot owners to carry out more uneven-aged management.