For immediate release
Three more presenters have confirmed they’ll participate in the 2010 Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association’s field day in Pictou County.
That brings the total number of presenters to six for the Saturday, Sept. 18, event, hosted by Lloyd and Marlene Langille of the Hopewell area, near New Glasgow.
One of the attractions and highlights of the field day will be horse and wagon rides to different parts of the woodlot. Great for families. A lunch of local food will also be featured.
The Langilles have been harvesting wood from a 130-acre mixed woodlot annually for more than 40 years.
Yet because they’ve done so mainly through selection harvesting — cutting trees singly or in small groups — wood volume has been retained and cut areas are vigorous and healthy with natural regeneration. They try to avoid clear-cutting.
Activities include practical examples of woodland stewardship and discussion of broader issues of conservation and biodiversity.
The three presenters who have recently confirmed their participation are:
• Forestry consultant Tom Miller will mark an area of trees to help illustrate to landowners which ones should be cut and which should be left to grow, and how this can vary depending on the landowner’s values and objectives.
• Forestry consultants Patricia Amero or Sandy Hyde will use an old field White spruce site, which is a common stand type on Nova Scotia woodlots, to show how these sites can be restored to a natural forest.
• Portable sawmill operator Rodney Spencer, who has set up his Woodmizer sawmill in barnyards, fields, building lots and woodlot landing areas, will show how lumber is sawn and explain what’s involved in the process.
Previously confirmed presenters are:
• John Brazner, Wetland Specialist for Nova Scotia Environment, will talk about the value of wetlands and discuss wetland policy in Nova Scotia.
• Soil specialist Kevin Keys will use a blown-down tree with its roots and soil exposed to illustrate the importance of soil biology, particularly in terms of site productivity and ecosystem health.
• Billy MacDonald of the Friends of the Redtail Society, or another Redtail representative, will talk about the non-profit group’s efforts to raise funds to prevent a large parcel of land in Pictou County, some of which is old forest, from being clear-cut.
The board of the NSWOOA invites anyone interested to enjoy a day in the woods. Cost for the day, including lunch, is $20 for NSWOOA members, $25 for non-members and a special family rate of $40.
For further information, please contact NSWOOA board members or send an email to