NSWOOA Update 37
October 3, 2010
nswooa@gmail.com902 633-2108
In this Issue:
-Field Day Review
-Outreach Project Update
- The Past Raises its Head
- A Call to Action
-Non Timber Products Marketing Opportunity
-Tony Phillips Reviews Jamie Simpson’s book (Attachment)
- How to Contact Us.
Field Day Meets Expectations
Fine weather and high spirits resulted in a successful and well attended NSWOOA Field Day on the Lloyd and Marlene Langille woodlot on September 18. Guides escorted the visitors to six presentations, including a portable saw mill, a soil specialist, a Red Tail Society presentation, a wetlands specialist, a tree marking selection harvest site, and an old field white spruce stand discussion. A special thank-you goes out to our hosts and their family and friends who contributed so much to this year’s successful event.
New this year was a family registration rate, and there was a notable increase in young people on site.
Afternoon presentations under the big tent included updates on the NSWOOA presentation to the Utilities Review Board hearings on proposed biomass electrical generation, an Otter Ponds Demonstration Forest update, and a presentation by Matt Miller concerning possible changes in forest policy resulting from the on-going Strategic Review.
The day was capped off by an appearance by the Minister of Natural Resources, John MacDonell, who gave his views on possible changes. It is of note that Mr. MacDonell said that he believed that the majority of woodlot owners will not notice any changes in operations, as they are already managing their woodlots to high standards. Also, in response to a direct question, he indicated that Natural Resources would not be moving to a permit system for harvests.
Several interesting observations from the Minister were triggedred by his recent visit to Maine. Clearcutting as a harvest method has mostly disappeared in Maine and the impact on the forest is readily appreciated. Also, the Minister was impressed by the culture of value-add found in that State. He noted that there is great emphasis to make something, to add value, to forest products in the state.
Conservations with visitors seem to indicate they were pleased with their experiences. It was a great day.
From the event Chair of the Field Day.
I have been privileged with the title of Field Day Chair several times now !
As committee chair I am authorized to bring together many energetic and professional, volunteers, then empower these people to work on your behalf .
This years field day, hosted by Marlene and Lloyd Langille of Foxbrook in Pictou County was a fine example of such an effort.
In the name of all those volunteers,
Thank You !
george j
Outreach Project Report
We have now assigned a date and location for our sixth full-day workshop for woodlot owners. We also have dates for all three half-day workshops for silviculture contractors.
The woodlot owner workshops are as follows:
• St. Andrews, Antigonish County, Saturday, Sept. 11, 2010.*
• Carleton, Yarmouth County, Saturday, Oct. 2, 2010.*
• Wentworth area, Colchester County, Saturday, Oct. 9, 2010.
• Near Mabou, Inverness County, Cape Breton, Saturday, Oct. 23, 2010.
• Black Rock, Kings County, Saturday, Nov. 6, 2010.
• Pleasant Valley area, Pictou County, Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010.
These free, full-day workshops follow the same format as the workshops we offered last spring: An indoor session in the morning will be followed by lunch, followed by a visit to a nearby woodlot. We will be talking about the “how to’s” of growing high-value trees, including information on crop tree selection, crop tree release, selection management, crop tree pruning, ecosystem-based forest management, tree marking, and the Category 7 Quality Improvement Silviculture Program.
Our schedule of workshops for silviculture contractors is as follows:
• Thursday, Sept. 23, Bridgewater area, Lunenburg County *
• Thursday, Oct. 7, Wentworth area, Colchester County
• Thursday, Nov. 18, Eastern Region, location TBA.
These three-hour workshops take place during the afternoon in the field on a woodlot where we can demonstrate qualifying Category 7 silviculture sites both before and after treatment. These sessions will emphasize on how to identify appropriate sites, how to ensure that quality-improvement silviculture treatments are successful, and how they can be cost effective. Topics to be discussed also include how to decide which trees to harvest and which to retain, ecosystem-based forest management, and challenges of doing this kind of work.
If you haven’t already registered for one of these workshops, we encourage you to do so soon, because space is limited to 25 people per workshop. Call us at 902-673-2278 or email us at outreach@asforestry.com to register. Hope to see you there!
Flora Johnson
For the Uneven-Aged Management Outreach Project
These events have been completed since this item was submitted. Picea indicates that there was a good result at each event, and were especially pleased with the contractor turn out.
From the Past
In the Ray Travis Article cited in the last issue of the Update (Ecoforestry-Doing the Right Thing, in Wild Foresting by Drengson and Taylor) he noted that “conventional” image of clearcutting mimicking fire is incorrect. The same article raises another interesting point, especially forthose of us woodlot owners who are also considered to be baby boomers: the perspective that forestry education took in the formative years of our lives.
“The gospel of efficiency,” he says, “was widespread in many of the forestry schools on the 1900’s. Any forestry student opening a textbook in the 1950’s or 1960’s would find information on how to convert old growth stands into even aged regulated forests…and how to calculate the financial rotation of a forest.” P. 41.
Do we still tend to think like this?
A Call to Action- Jamie Simpson
As you know, government will soon release new policy direction for our forests. As expected, the forest industry has exerted pressure to stop these changes to preserve the status quo. Unfortunately, misunderstandings about the recommendations have spread as well.
In reality, the majority of landowners will not be affected by the proposed changes - those who already do good work in their forests will be better rewarded for their good work. The losers will be those who indiscriminately clearcut without regard for forest health and long-term value of the forest.
Unfortunately, industry may be gaining traction with government at this late stage in the process.
I'm writing to ask for your help to make sure the process is not derailed. The public review process, and panel of experts' report, was clear that change is necessary. And the Honourable John MacDonell (Minister of Natural Resources) is clear that he wants to reduce clearcutting. However, government may buckle under pressure from industry.
Please take a moment to
1) write a note to the Premier and Minister MacDonell at the addresses below,
2) meet with your MLA (they are usually in their offices on Mondays and Fridays) and give them heck if they're thinking of back-tracking on the proposed changes,
3) send a short letter to the editor in support of the changes (letters@herald.ca), and
4) ask friends and relatives, especially those who own woodlots, to register their support as well.
Thousands of Nova Scotians have made their views known that we want less clearcutting. Now is the moment of truth for the government -- please let them know we want them to follow through with the recommendations to reduce clearcutting, and increase incentives for those doing good work in the woods. This is the best chance we've had in decades to make real improvement to how our forests are used - let's not lose it now!
Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Premier Darrell Dexter
Office of the Premier
7th Floor, One Government Place
1700 Granville St
PO Box 726
Halifax, NS, B3J 2T3
Telephone: 902-424-6600
Fax: 902-424-7648
Email: premier@gov.ns.ca
Minister John MacDonell
Minister of Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources
3rd Floor, Founders Square
1701 Hollis Street
PO Box 698
Halifax, NS, B3J 2T9
Telephone: 902-424-4037
Fax: 902-424-0594
Email: min_dnr@gov.ns.ca
NTFP Marketing Opportunity
DNR is offering free advertising for anyone selling non-timber forest related products. DNR is putting out a new edition of its "From Our Atlantic Woods" catalogue. The catalogue includes
- specialty wood-products (non-milled, or products from figured woods)
- Christmas trees and related greenery
- mushrooms
- essential oils
- nutraceuticals
- pharmaceuticals & morticians
- wild berries, nuts, fruit syrup
- craft products
- recreational and ecotourism opportunities
Visit www.fromouratlanticwoods.com to get your products into the catalogue.
Lines of CommunicationMembers are encouraged to contact the Board of Directors, the Executive and other members through our email address (nswooa@gmail.com) or by phone (902-633-2108). Please feel free to use these methods to keep us informed of what is going on in your woodlot or in your community or area. We try to keep you informed through these updates, newsletters and mail outs, our column in Atlantic Forestry Review, the Annual General Meeting, and the website: http://www.nswooa.ca