Notice of Meeting
The Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association will hold its Annual General Meeting on April 9,2011 at the Masonic Hall in Great Village. All members, associate members and affiliate members are invited to attend. Guests and visitors are welcome. Registration opens at 8:15 and the meeting closes at 3:30. Besides the business meeting, a full program of speakers and discussion is planned. Please plan now to attend. Cost is $10 for members, $20 for others.
Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association Agenda for the Annual General Meeting
Saturday, April 9, 2011 Masonic Hall, Great Village, NS8:15 Registration, membership renewals, set up displays, post ads, and sell products
8:50 Call to Order and Welcome
9:00 President’s Address by Austin Parsons 9:30 David Sutherland, ASF Co-ordinator: Silviculture funding
10:15 Refreshment Break
10:30 Kevin Keys, DNR Forest Soils Specialist
12:00 Lunch, exchange of materials and sale of products
12:45 Awards Presentations: Friend of the Acadian Forest Awards to John MacDonell, Donna Crossland, and Bob Bancroft. Retiring Directors
1:15 Will Martin: Private Woodlot Initiatives in Ontario
1:45 Board of Directors: UARB, clearcutting, biomass development, whole tree harvesting, DNR resources strategy review report
2:30 Business Meeting
-Minutes/Business Arising
-Financial Report
-Nomination and election of directors
-Resolutions from the floor
and close of business meeting
3:15 – 3:30 Wrap-up and adjournment
Additional information is available in Issue 41 of the NSWOOA Update Newsletter, or at our web site