March 12, 2011
nswooa@gmail.com902 633 2108
The Annual General Meeting Issue
In this Issue
Notice of Meeting
Who, What, When, Where, Costs
Market Opportunities for Members
Sad News
Homework to Do
A Celebration
Membership Renewal Form
How to Contact Us.
Notice of Meeting
The Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association will hold its Annual General Meeting on April 9,2011 at the Masonic Hall in Great Village. All members, associate members and affiliate members are invited to attend. Guests and visitors are welcome. Registration opens at 8:15 and the meeting closes at 3:30. Besides the business meeting, a full program of speakers and discussion is planned. Please plan now to attend. Cost is $10 for members, $20 for others.
AGM Information
NSWOOA Members, Woodlot owners, Prospective Members, and Friends, You’re invited to the Annual General Meeting of the NSWOOA
April 9 2011 Registration at 8:15 Meeting at 9:00
Where: Masonic Hall, Great Village N.S. Heading north from Truro on the Trans Canada, take Exit 10 (No toll) and turn towards Route 2 and the village of Great Village (Watch for the signs). The Masonic Hall is on the hill just before the access road joins Rte. 2.
Costs:Registration Cost (includes lunch):
Members $10 Guests/visitors $20
Tentative Agenda
Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators AssociationAgenda for the Annual General Meeting
Saturday, April 9, 2011 Masonic Hall, Great Village, NS
8:15 Registration, membership renewals, set up displays, post ads, and sell products
8:50 Call to Order and Welcome
9:00 President’s Address by Austin Parsons
9:30 Program begins with David Sutherland, ASF Co-ordinator: Silviculture funding
10:15 Refreshment Break
10:30 Keynote speaker, Kevin Keys, DNR Forest Soils Specialist
12:00 Lunch, exchange of materials and sale of products
12:45 Awards Presentations: Friend of the Acadian Forest Awards to John MacDonell, Donna Crossland, and Bob Bancroft. Retiring Directors
1:15 Will Martin: Private Woodlot Initiatives in Ontario
1:45 Board of Directors: UARB, clearcutting, biomass development, whole tree harvesting, DNR resources strategy review report
2:30 Business Meeting Resumes
-Minutes/Business Arising
-Financial Report
-Nomination and election of directors
-Resolutions from the floor
and close of business meeting
3:15 – 3:30 Wrap-up and adjournment
About the Speakers
David Sutherland is the co-ordinator at the Association for Sustainable Forestry (ASF). Over the years ASF has delivered silviculture services to private woodlot owners, such as planting, cleaning and PCT’s . Lately it has been engaged in Section Seven Silviculture, which is uneven aged management, quality improvements and the like. Dave has a background in all aspects of forestry and a wealth of experience.
Kevin Keys is our keynote speaker. He is the soil specialist for DNR. Many will remember his informative presentation at our September field day, where he impressed many, and educated a lot of us.
Will Martin is a former director of the NSWOOA who has been living and working in Ontario and now returns home. In Ontario he was involved with woodlot management through tax incentives and the like.
The Annual General meeting provides another opportunity for regular members to renew their membership for 2011. We also welcome new member applications at this time. If you have been a member in the past and have let it slip for a few years, this is a good time to sign up again. Regular membership (woodlot owners) affiliate members (groups and associations) and associate memberships (non woodlot owner but supporting our cause) are all $30 per year. This meeting provides the last chance for members to sign up for The Atlantic Forestry Review at a cost of $15/ year.
Market Opportunities for Members
For the past several years NSWOOA members have been invited to use this gathering of woodlot owners and friends as an opportunity to buy, sell, advertise and trade. Director Charlie Baird will be present to find a display site for products, ads, demonstrations. Everyone is encouraged to browse and share during registration, at coffee break and lunch.
Advertise a logging winch or other piece of equipment
Put up an ad for equipment wanted
Circulate your business card or flyer
Offer cruise skills, management plan writing, restoration skills
Put some non-timber forest products (NTFP) up for sale
Find a source for materials used in your operation
Let us know of mobile band saw services
Sell honey, maple syrup
Offer some woodworking crafts for sale
Sad News
It is with heavy heart that the NSWOOA learned recently of the death of Alfred Scothorn of Hardwoodlands on February 2, 2011. Many long time members will remember Alfred from the annual meetings and field days he regularly attended. He was a strong supporter of the Association, having served as its president. Alfred’s gentle manner and his personal warmth was matched by his interest in and delight with all aspects of the forest. He has been a long time friend and his loss is a heavy load to carry.
Homework to Do
Three members of the NSWOOA recently made a significant presentation to the All Parties Standing Committee on Forestry. It was followed by an extensive Q&A session. The transcript is available on line and should be of interest to many members. Let us know what you think about this testimony by responding to our email address. The address is:
A Celebration
Pam Langille was an environmental activist who was involved in forestry issues. She provided a model for most of us to strive for, and was much admired for her contributions to the NAWOOA (director and secretary for several years), the EAC, Eastern Shore Forest Watch, and a host of other organizations. Upon her passing an award was set up to be administered by the Nova Scotia Environmental Network.
This year’s winner of the Pam Langille Forestry Award is Wade Prest. Wade was recognized for his leadership roles in the NSWOOA and other organizations, his work to educate the public on forest issues, and most recently, his leadership in establishing the Otter Ponds Demonstration Network. Congratulations Wade!
NSWOOA 2011 Membership Application
( ) Renewal ( ) New
Name: ______________________________________________________
Business Name:_______________________________________________
Mailing Address:_ ____________________________________________
Telephone Number:____________________________________________
Email Address:_______________________________________________
1. Are you a woodlot owner? ______ County:__________________________
2. Are you joining NSWOOA as an Associate Member in support of Otters Ponds Demonstration Forest? ______
_____Membership Cost- $30/year
_____Atlantic Forestry Journal Subscription - $15/ year (special rate)
Please mail applications and cheques to:
Box 823 Truro, NS
B2N 5G6
Regular Membership: open to anyone owning, leasing, renting or controlling woodland or to anyone who is a producer
Associate Member: any individual having similar aims and objects as the association but does not own woodland
Mission Statement
NSWOOA is an independent organization of woodlot owners and operators achieving prosperity, stewardship, and solidarity through the practice of ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable forestry.
Truly sustainable forest management means that all values of our woodlands -- ecological, social, cultural and economic -- must be preserved for future generations.
The NSWOOA supports woodlot owners and operators in sustainable forestry through education, demonstration, marketing, and cooperation
I am in support of the aims and goals of NSWOOA:
Lines of CommunicationMembers are encouraged to contact the Board of Directors, the Executive and other members through our email address ( or by phone (902-633-2108). Please feel free to use these methods to keep us informed of what is going on in your woodlot or in your community or area. We try to keep you informed through these updates, newsletters and mail outs, our column in Atlantic Forestry Review, the Annual General Meeting, and the website: